

Friday, July 31, 2009

Thing 7

There are way too many things to play with here, but I narrowed to 2 to comment on.

First, Google Advanced Search. I know this seems pretty basic, but I looked at this with the idea of saving teachers from reinventing wheels. I used the PowerPoint (ppt) search option and came up with 15k on the subject of photosynthesis. Narrowed that by adding .edu and dropped the hits to 5k. While I realize this number is still overwhelming, it will serve to illustrate that tech resources are rich and available.
I was also intrigued by one of the testimonials under Docs. LaRow's Google Historical Voyages and Events sounded like an excellent collaborative project. Our community was developed pretty much by the DOW Corporation, and I believe engaging in this project could garner a great deal of community interest that could be echoed around the globe, due to the company's international presence.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Avatar! I could not find you at; luckily, you were on the list. Hopefully I get moved to finished here soon!
