

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thing 22

Ah, nings. In this case, I'll settle for Facebook and/or MySpace. In the name of creativity, we are recreating the wheel because we can.
I checked out, even joined, Texas School Librarians Ning. I found myself responding to a Forum discussion before I realized all the discussions were a year old! The Blogs were a bit more up to date, but nothing outstanding, and only 31 posts showing. Under Videos, only a handful. Photos, the same.
With all the other resources and tools we've looked at, I'm glad this was at the end. It may have caught my attention more in the beginning, but now it seems almost indulgent.
I'm reminded of question/answer sessions with guest authors when the kids ask the same questions over and over, because listening wasn't the point. Getting recognized and being able to ask was the true goal.
Let's make the most of the best!

Thing 21

While I was content with Podcasting (I love oral interp), this does combine that oral element with a visual interest that is probably necessary for the classroom. I know PhotoStory has been around for a while. Getting the students involved would be easy, even for the youngsters. I can envision homerooms loading in student pictures and adding narration, "I am thankful for -" to be run on morning announcement broadcast. Research projects can be easily broken down into slide by slide assignments for groups or individuals.

The free download is approved by our district, so teachers could create and share easily,too. Great free stuff!

Thing 23

I realize this is out of order, but I woke up with my concluding image in my mind this morning, and it's not supposed to matter whether we write in order.

1. My favorite discoveries/activities were Teacher Tube (I'd only watched a few things on YouTube before) and podcasting. I'm excited about the treasure trove of clips available to teachers (yes, we will have access) for instruction. The teachers responded positively to, so I know they'll like the depth of Teacher Tube (67 pages of clips on math facts).
As for podcasting, I have done a radio reading show in the past, and I look forward to using this for school and personally. We send an original Christmas poem and greeting every year to many friends, and I think, this year, it might be web-based and in our own voices.

2. This morning I woke up with an image in my mind. I was the learner (cell phone customer). The internet and all the components we've sampled was Verizon. But every time I turned around, the host of possibilities jumped behind me. There, but not there. After completing 23 things, I'm beginning to see them. I don't fully grasp them all, but they are there behind me willing to be used, if I will use them.

3. An unexpected discovery was the impact of spelling. In a user-driven environment, this can be a tricky thing. The idea that material posted with misspelled tags might be forever missed is sad.

4. The scope of what SBISD has done here with 23 Things is daunting. No advice from me! I know all of us in our district appreciate the opportunity to participate.

5. I would absolutely join in other projects developed by SBISD. Next time, I will plan so that my vacation scedule doesn't leave me scurrying through the material.

6. One word: mind-blogging

Thing 20

Whew! You Tube, of course, is fun and amazing. There's so much there, from the History of Educational Technology video I watched to my nephew crashing his bike doing crazy stunts. You can literally find anything here.
I don't know how I managed to stumble on Medieval Help Desk in Teacher Tube, but it is great. Not only will the teachers get a kick out of (perhaps) laughing at themselves, but our district help desk personnel will enjoy it too.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thing 19

I explored, a free geneology search site While the kids would not be old enough to register for this site, another use came to mind. When I was in the classroom, I was always amazed at how little knowledge the students had of their family background, with a few exceptions. At our school, we're always looking for something to bring in the parents and engage them, especially with their child. What a cool opprotunity to have families come to learn about themselves, so to speak. To raise the level of self-awareness, or just spark their curiousity - what fun! Unfortunately, I'm one those who never got to know my dad's side of the family that well. This site is for people armed with at least the basics of family names and dates to get started... Perhaps, if a project was initiated in class, the basic info gathered, then invite the parents in to research.

Perhaps Galaxiki would be more fun. I can see a definite writing tie-in with the science study of the planets. The teachers would need to control the experience, but I know the kids would enjoy traveling through a virtual universe to stars and planets, being able to read what members have written to describe it all. Whether they (or the teacher) added comments might not even be the point, if it will get them excited about using their imagination. Maybe that would be the payoff - create your own description of the star/planet and we'll find one to match and publish it.

Thing 18

As long as there is a seamless interface with the Microsoft product we use in district, I love Google Docs. The features for sharing/viewing/editing with a group are quite wikian. Naturally, the advantage of being able to access docs anywhere is great. And being able to publish a document directly to your blog, or as a webpage is nice. The disadvantage? Even though I had my laptop on vacation, it was amazing how many places still don't offer or charge for internet access. In those cases, having either a downloaded program like Open Office or the purchased product "on" your computer is a must. I guess, making it a practice to save to Google Docs could combine the best of both worlds. Can we have an auto save feature for that?

Thing 17

OK, I admit that my Rollyo list is pretty lame. I'm not at school, and I didn't want to take the time to create something curricular without any of my stuff. But, for what it's worth I did it, and posted the link. The application for research assistance is fantastic, especially with young learners that are less able to navigate on their own.

On first look, I get the impression that there is an overlap in some of the things we're experiencing. This seems to have similarities with Delicious. It's all pretty overwhelming at the "I've got to finish this pace." But all will become clearer and better used by me in the future!